in.Case study
The interactive workshop is a system allowing active participation of health workers in dealing with medical cases.
A group of users gathered around the interactive touch screen goes through a medical case together.
By using this tool, we put the participants into an active position and offer them problem-solving in a group, individual decision-making, familiarisation with the diagnostics and treatment algorithms, learning with real cases.
How many congresses, lectures, workshops and seminars were organized in a similar way? is a winning formula for more successful learning and acquiring practical skills.
The dynamic of communication is changing significantly, therefore making motivating the participants more important.
What are you getting?
- the ability to evaluate acquired knowledge
- an insight into the decision-making model
- feedback
- a connection with the participants and moderators
- the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in practice

Start interaction and ideas with our tools

With the in.Case study participants in smaller groups go through a medical case using different modules:
- medical history
- interactive status
- lab results
- imaging tests such as X-rays, ultrasound, ECG
- video tests such as endoscopy, coronarography, ultrasound
- detailed answers to questions
- multi-answer questions that can lead the case in different directions, like in real life
- directions both for diagnosis and for treatment
- slides spurring discussion among participants.
Cases used by experts are prepared and participants solved it independently. The moderator's role is in clarifications and answers to additional questions.
By using the tablets and our own Interactive application we give you new experiance.

By using the tablets, the participants are able to:
- anonymously ask questions
- achieve interaction
- rate events and themes
- answer questions during presentations
- check the schedule of lectures
- take notes
- take part in a contest
- chat with other participants
By using the tablets, a company is able to:
- view participants’ questions
- achieve market research
- view a complete report with a list of participants and profiles of individual participants
The INteractive aplication and tablets arrive with their own equipment and network systems, regardless of location.
The INposter, shown on a HDTV monitor, offers the participants additional and summarized education.

By using the INposter, the participants are able to:
- listen to audio recordings of the poster’s contents in their language or other languages
- comment on the poster
- review other posters they are interested in, considering the theme
- ask questions and achieving interaction
By using the INposter, companies are able to:
- have custom poster designs according to themes
- achieve interactivity with the participants
- offer additional information
- display ads
- analyze poster attendance according to themes
An entertaining interactive application which raises value of every event.

Through INquiz, except through questions related to general knowledge, you add value to your brand or company.
Along with questions related to music, culture and sport, you add “branded” questions.
According to participants, INquiz has proven to be a valuable addition to congresses and conferences because it raises brand awareness in the targeted audience in an entertaining way.
That is the goal, is it not?
Except for the visual component, INquiz also contains an audio component - speakers.
The offer contains:
- a large 55” monitor where the quiz results and questions for the audience are shown
- 2 tablets used by participants to answer the questions
- custom quiz visual branding
- inserting desired questions into the quiz
See pictures from previous events
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